Currently the model and accessories have all been picked out, contracts signed, finance almost finalised and location has been set. Turnaround time looks to be about 10 weeks from when we give the word so all things appear on track for installation just as summer starts and therefore a pool party for the Princess' birthday.
Now, dear reader, please use your imagination. Currently you would be standing at the shallow end looking towards the deep end. There would be no grass, weeds, sand or bushes just sweet, sweet limestone. A small border garden. All straight lines. Mmmmmmmm.

Just out of shot to the top right will be the solar heating. And yes, we are in the middle of winter - that shot was taken 3 days ago. Since then, Madame2Bar has taken a scorched earth policy to the garden. Anything that can be salvaged is now replanted out the front while the rest is waiting for the Bobcat guy to clear up in a couple of weeks.
Anyone want a trampoline? Pick up only, $70. Perth.
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